

10 Jun 2020

First year is done

I have finished first year, thankfully. Not all subjects have released their grades yet for a multitude of reasons (not to mention COVID-19), but I guess I’m out of danger zone for now. At least my grades for Physics Elec (that I dread with passion) and Calculus II are out.

Many things happened in the meantime. I know there has been no posts in here for while, mainly because I don’t think anyone would be reading it, but I guess it’s good to have some writing practice from time to time. In the following days I’ll probably be writing about some first year experiences that I feel like is worth writing about.

At the beginning of the semester, no one would probably have expected that the university would be physically closed towards the end of the term. But the coronavirus happened, and we are here. Basically what happened was that a week after midterms were done, every faculty closed their doors and everyone switched to online learning/teaching. If I remember correctly, it was also accelerated from the news that a professor at Faculty of Law contracted the virus. Nevertheless, you couldn’t argue that it wasn’t a right call to make.

I’ve also heard that there are talks of the next semester (2020/1) being entirely online. Personally I would dread that if it’s not absolutely necessery. As convenient as learning from home is, it still doesn’t compare to going to Chula and seeing friends / acquiantances from day to day, to be honest. As I write this, the COVID-19 situation in Thailand is relatively stable, with infection rates much less than countries such as the US or Brazil. Currently, schools are slated to open on July 1, so I’ll see how that goes.

In the meantime, I’ve additionally been following news about the US. I should have known this far longer, but I’ve came to the realization that the US is not as safe as I have previously thought, from all the incidents about police brutality, and also about how it seems that people doesn’t give a crap about COVID-19 there. Although writing this may seem to imply that everything is perfect here, it actually isn’t. The political situation here is… well. Fragile isn’t probably the right word, but there sure have been many things going on in the past year or so.

News and politics is also something that interests me. Hopefully I’ll be able to write more soon.

Romtam at 19:00
